BUILDING CHARACTER – Bringing people to life through words with K.M. Fawcett

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BUILDING CHARACTER – Bringing people to life through words.

Characterization is more than physical appearance and word choice. In this workshop, we’ll discuss ways to use motivation, fear, conflict, flaws, backstory, belief systems, and more to write vivid, unforgettable characters that will come alive for your readers.

About the Presenter: K.M. Fawcett is the author of the thrilling science fiction romance series, The Survival Race. She writes stories about underdogs and fish out of water characters that find their place in the universe. She believes in happy endings and true love conquering all.

She and her husband—who wants the world to know he’s the inspiration for all her heroes, albeit toned down for believability—own Tenchi Dojo in NJ, where they teach traditional Okinawan karate and kobudo (weapons). K.M. incorporates two decades of martial arts experience into her stories to create strong, kickass characters who aren’t afraid to fight for the life and love they deserve.

Wielding the world as her office, K.M. exhausted many hours writing in parked cars (waiting for her kids at drum lessons and ballet classes), on airplanes, in Starbucks, out of doors, and in her home library with two mischievous cats vying for attention.

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