How to Collaborate with a Fellow Writer with Daria Ludas and Nancy Quatrano

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How to Collaborate with a Fellow Writer with Daria Ludas and Nancy Quatrano

Join Daria Ludas and Nancy Quatrano as they share the secrets of collaborating with a fellow writer. More information on the workshop follows shortly.

Daria Ludas: Daria Ludas w/a D.K. Ludas has always enjoyed reading and writing. At the age of ten, she received a small typewriter for Christmas. She quickly typed several copies of a neighborhood newspaper called “The Linford Ledger,” which was named for the development she lived in. She graduated from Nancy Drew Mysteries to A Summer Place in sixth grade, without her parents’ knowledge. She then read Agatha Christie mysteries (Miss Marple a favorite). She currently reads Lisa Scottoline and Robert Parker, among several others. Daria/D.K. is a retired elementary school teacher and is currently a New Jersey Realtor. She has been published in short fiction since 2005. When not writing or selling homes, she is involved in town politics, church organizations, Liberty States Fiction Writers and Sisters In Crime. She currently resides in Central New Jersey with her husband and daughter who are both supportive of her writing. Her website is

Nancy Quatrano: Nancy Quatrano is an award-winning fiction writer, a developmental editor, and speaker. She’s presented writing and business workshops to readers, writer’s, businesses, and women’s groups, from New York to Florida. In addition to writing a mystery series and co-authoring an inspirational women’s fiction series, she writes a column for the St Augustine Record, and runs On-Target Words. Her mystery, STILL SHOT, won the Action category in the international 2019 Book Excellence Awards. For more information visit

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