BookTok Basics Desiree Worrall-Belanger – June 2022

June 11, 2022
BookTok Basics
Desiree Worrall-Belanger

TikTok is one of the newest and hottest social media platforms. BookTok is how authors are engaging readers about their works on the platform. During the workshop, Desiree plans on elaborating on 6 very important points that revolve around being successful on Booktok, not only as a Booktoker but as an author as well. Here is what you can expect Desiree to address during the workshop:

How to promote your book in a way that will get you more views
How does the “Booktok Algorithm” work, exactly? And how can you make it work with you, not against you
How to collaborate with Booktokers to gain exposure
How I (personally) promote authors as both a Booktok Influencer and a business owner
What Booktok wants to see, and how you can use this to your advantage – both in the TikToks you make, and in your future writing.
How to study Booktok and create content that viewers want to watch

About the Presenter: Desiree Worrall-Belanger is a Booktoker and the business owner of RainyDaysLibrary. As someone who has been “behind the scenes” on Booktok for well over 2 years, and will soon hit her first year of being a Booktoker and having launched her business, Desiree has her fair share of Booktok knowledge to share with the world. Over the 9 months that she has had her business and social media platforms, she has collaborated with multiple authors and publishing houses, as well as well-known brands, to promote their products/services. Desiree hopes to teach you a few helpful tricks and shed some light on the daunting question of “How to be a Booktoker and how do I promote my book?”

You can watch the video at

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