Your Ideal Reader is the person you imagine will most love your book – they’re your biggest fan and tell everyone about your novels! Knowing who this person is (whether someone real or imagined) can help you write a book that meets—and exceeds—your readers’ expectations. Because your Ideal Reader has an impact on everything from your editing process to pitching to agents and even your marketing, the sooner you know who they are, the better. During this workshop, you’ll be led through several exercises to help you get a clearer picture of your Idea Reader, where they hang out, and what’s going to get them to open your newsletters, read your books, and be excited about all your future releases.

About the Presenter: Rona Gofstein is a published author and an Author Accelerator certified fiction book coach who loves working with writers who have longed to make their book writing dreams a reality. She describes her style as intensive feedback combined with compassionate enthusiasm because she knows that on this journey, writers need clarity, support and encouragement. She has spoken on writing craft and business across the country and is the past president of the New Hampshire RWA chapter and Board Universe. She lives in Massachusetts with her husband and sons, misses the 24-hour diners of her home state of New Jersey, and is always up for getting coffee or talking about books, writing, and where to go out for dinner.

You can watch the video at

A Multi-Genre Fiction Writers Organization